Gail Kardash
Gail's passion for travel is rewarded with over 30 years of personalising her service with a long standing clientele in a rapidly developing and changing industry. Gail motivates a highly experienced team who also embrace and maximize a client’s ultimate holiday and share their knowledge of discerning product to ultimately provide the most impeccable travel experience possible. The renowned level of service to clients is second to none. Travel View & Cruise View specialists are highly trained to match the best holiday option to their client’s needs and desires.
Join Gail on her many adventures to learn more contact Gail on 9918 4444.
Penny O'Leary
Penny joined Gail in 2024, with 30 years trade knowledge and experience. One of Penny's strengths is detail, and colaborating closely with her guests to create an adventure that is truely bespoke.